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“His Chewing Skills Advance Everyday,” Bad Black Reveals why she Wants Netizens to Praise Her Boyfriend Asha Panda

Socialite and self-proclaimed President of Ugandan sumbie vendors Bad Black real name Namuyimbwa Shanita has praised her boyfriend and revealed reasons why she wants the public to join her in praising her boyfriend Asha Panda.

Black said that her boyfriend has done so much for her and helped her settle down something she didn’t see herself doing during her sumbie vending years.

Bad Black is a mother of four children from four different men. Most of the men she met during her unpleasant job.

She said that by the time she met Asha she was young but she knew that she could make it work. Most people didn’t believe that she was in a position to be with a young man yet with children.

According to Bad Black, she would want the public to praise her husband because he is one of a kind and the fact that he managed to keep her to himself is a miracle.

She also said he is good in bed and people need to appreciate that as she is no longer moving from one man to the other.

“Ba online in-laws nga temunebaka mbadde nsaba munebalizeko slim daddY wange okugyagala ❤️❤️era akyazina bulungi 🥹🤪,@,” Black.

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