Home Entertainment Renowned Socilite Vows to Leak List of Woman Don Nasser Chewed Before...

Renowned Socilite Vows to Leak List of Woman Don Nasser Chewed Before His Arrest

Self-proclaimed sumbi vendor in Uganda Namuyimbwa Shanitah also known as Bad Black is threatening to expose men who were feeding their ‘nkudi’ to Don Nasser before his arrest.

Black said that they are now in the media trashing him forgetting the good things he did for them.

Don Nasser was arrested early this week on charges of s3xual assault of a 14 year old girl

He was remanded to Luzira Prison leaving Ugandans talking with each saying out opinions about him and his arrest.

According to Bad Black, there are people she knows who are making noise on social media not his partners.

Black said that she was once a friend of Don Nasser and she knows the details of some people in case they continue making noise she will be exposing them one by one.

“You all before giving an opinion about Don Nasser shouting for views l am bringing out the official list of men who gave him anal and now there abusing him …. Remember he was once my friend…. So all list of men beyazina mutaako nga ur busy abusing him i will expose you,” Bad Black.

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