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“He Will Never Battle Me Again,” King Saha Vows to Prove Jose Chameleone is Nothing in Music

Singer King Saha birth name Ssemanda Mansour has accepted to challenge legendary Jose Chameleone in a music battle.

Saha said that wants to teach Chameleone a lesson and show him what real talent and stage performance is.

The legendary singer in his recent interview said that he was interested in having a music battle for once in his career. He asked any artiste interested to come forward and challenge him.

He made the statement at the time he was having issues with King Saha and now he has stepped forward to be the one to challenge him.

According to King Saha, he doesn’t care if Jose Chameleone is even paid huge amounts of money than him, all he wants is to get on stage and showhow he is more talented than his master Jose Chameleone.

“I am challenging Dr. Jose Chameleone to a musical battle. I have no concerns about the payment; even if Chameleone is paid 500 million and I receive 50 million, that’s perfectly fine with me. Please let him know that I won’t tolerate any of his usual “Digida, Digida, Koona Koona, Cheza Cheza” antics. I want him to focus on singing. I am going to teach Chameleone a lesson and show him what true musical talent is all about,” King Saha.

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